Why Read 'Hidden History, Righteous Recovery'?
Check out some reviews below!
Natalie Fox -
Hidden History, Righteous Recovery is a great book of history on how Virginia was found. Pastor Wade paints a picture to the reader that leaves one in tears and appreciative of God's hand on this land. This book is easy to read and keeps you wanting to learn more to discover exactly what amazing history is just right around you here in the heart of America. You will learn about things from centuries years ago yet at the same time have a personal experience that affects your every day life and thinking right here, right now. This reading is very eye-opening and brings you closer to God and your trust in how our nation was found.
Micah Mahoney, Director for Heartcry of David -
I have had the distinct privilege of accompanying Pastor Wade Trump as he pursues the presence of the Lord in righteous recovery acts over America and England. Bringing lands and peoples back to God through mending broken covenants may sound like lofty ideas only found in the Bible but Pastor Trump has a way of making these principles accessible to every believer while inviting them to partner with God and be a part of history. Be encouraged by the stories and take a leap of faith as you read these pages with the Holy Spirit! You may be shocked to find that God has made you perfectly suited unlike anyone else in time to make a huge impact for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Dr. Naomi Caldwell -
I am grateful and honored to pen just a few sentences about Pastor Wade’s first book Hidden History, Righteous Recovery. Pastor Wade and Lisa’s testimony is recorded in this book. If one wants to know more about a love walk, about the faith, and about walking the Jesus way read this chronicle that documents over 25 years of walking the Jesus way. It was not always an easy Journey. They were challenged by the Holy Spirit to step out and cross-cultural lines in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and allow their only motivation to be the love of Christ Jesus. Their assignment on the surface seemed impossible but with God all things are possible. Together they worked with Christians from all diverse Denominations and cultural backgrounds to bring about the work of reconciliation. It’s a social justice book but more than that it’s a love story. It’s about the love of the Creator for His creation and a couple of pastors who believe in the power of love.
Thomas Hogan -
I highly recommend “Hidden History, Righteous Recovery” if you are interested in an inspiring and motivating read. It takes us back to a time where a nation was born on the principles of Judeo-Christianity. You will get goosebumps reading this book, feeling as if you are there witnessing these things happen. Pastor Wade is perceived as a Christian Indiana Jones as he looks for the answers from the birthplace of our Nation, Jamestown, to bring us back to Christ. He is making covenant agreements with Judeo-Christians in Israel and America and I look forward to seeing it unfold.
Gary Riggins -
I highly recommend Hidden History, Righteous Recovery. After reading you will see anyone can make a difference. All it takes is an idea, faith, and prayer.
Becky Parsons -
Reading this book has been so inspiring! It is just amazing to see the difference one person or a few people can make in the Kingdom. Stepping out to be obedient and act on an idea that God puts in your heart, leads to a whole chain reaction of events! We read in the bible how one person can change the world like Joseph, Esther, Paul others. After reading Pastor Wade’s book, we know that it’s still possible today! His mission was to reach back to heal the past, to improve the present and future. The stories of all the journeys are incredible and eye-opening, but they also encourage us to be brave enough to go after our own dreams. God’s blessings to you both.
Deborah Giovannoli -
Spiritual threads are woven into every culture. And every culture has a context - whether it be a school, veterans organization, homeless shelter, etc. Hidden History, Righteous Recovery (HHRR) is an illustration of this within the cultural context of historic Williamsburg and Jamestown. Pastors Wade & Lisa Trump were inspired by and fulfilled their calling there. HHRR is a testimony to finding that common spiritual thread in a specific cultural context.
Kim Hundley -
Luke 8:12 says “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open." Every Christian in America should read this book and know that what we are going through is a result of historical misdeeds that are beginning to come to light and be dealt with. God wants us to reconcile all men to him, recover what is good and be the light he has placed in each of us. It is time for HIStory to be revealed.
Dr. Jay Leroux -
The Cry out of the Heart of the Prophet Isaiah goes beyond the Boarders of Israel, though we know that is who he was first speaking to! Pastor Wade Trump has Profoundly understood that that Cry was not just an Historical one, but a Present Day one as well! Restoration of His Ultimate Intention is at the Heart of our Great God! We are certainly living in a day that in Desperate need of Righteous Recovery! The Cry of “The Watchmen” has gripped the Hearts of many men and women in our day, but none more than Pastor Wade! His Relentless pursuit for that Recovery from our Nations beginnings to Israel and back has begun I Believe that Absolute Need for the Recovery of the Hidden History in our Nation and the Churches Ultimate Destiny to change our World! I, and many others, have taken our places on the wall as Watchmen along side Pastor Wade!! Believing and Working for Righteous Recovery!
Chris Cary -
In this turbulent time that we are all dealing with, it greatly helps to remember who is Lord of All. A fantastic way to remind us of this is found in reading Wade's new book. Taking a walk through our country's founding and reading about the actual miracles that have come (and are still coming) to fruition is an overpowering reminder of Who is in control. We need this type of hope now. Read it, you will be amazed by what has happened in the lives of Wade and Lisa and this little church that was birthed 25 years ago at the place where America was formed.
Adam Green -
Hidden History Righteous Recovery is a book filled with adventures and advancements made by spiritual archaeologists Pastors Wade and Lisa Trump. By reading through their experiences, supernatural God encounters, and leadings over the past two decades, the reader gains an appreciation of the importance of Jamestown Island, the birthplace of America, to our nation's spiritual inheritance and future advancement. This book uncovers some of the positive and negative secrets of our nation's inheritance and deals with them from a Christian perspective. This book also brings a fresh burst of hope and light into our current times of major turmoil and will encourage you to pray for our country.